Ancient Greek Philosophers

                           Here are six Greek Philosophers I have chosen to talk about.

Anaximander- This philosopher was born on circa 610 BCE in the city of Miletus in Ionia (currently known as Turkey).  He was an important person in his school, Milesian School. He then was a student of Thales, and a teacher of Anaximenes and Pythagoras. He was a proponent of science considered to be the first true scientist, and the founder of astronomy. According to Luke Mastin of Philosophy Basics, “His other interests were in mathematics (he explained some basic notions of geometry and introduced the sundial gnomon to Greece), meteorology (he attributed some phenomena, such as thunder and lightning, to the intervention of elements, rather than to divine causes, and he explained rain as a product of the humidity pumped up from Earth by the sun) and geography (he was probably the first to publish a map of the world, i.e. the entire inhabited land known to the ancient Greeks, rather than the local maps which had been produced in ancient times).” This meant that Anaximander loved to study and to observe things as well. He was one of the earliest Philosophers in the Western to have written down his philosophy, but only a fragment of that remained. As a matter of fact, by the time Plato was alive, Anaximander’s philosophy was almost forgotten. Anaximander died in circa 546 BCE.

Socrates- Socrates was born in circa 469 BCE in Classical Athens. In his life, he had never left his hometown, Athens. He grew up in the Golden Age in Athens, and became a soldier, which was law enforced. He was best known as a questioner of everything and everyone. He had a style of teaching philosophy--known as “THE SOCRATIC METHOD”. Plato a famous philosopher was taught by this teacher. People knew the information about Socrates, from the writings that his scholars had written, mostly from Plato. According to, “He was accused of corrupting the youth of Athens and sentenced to death. Choosing not to flee, he spent his final days in the company of his friends before drinking the executioner’s cup of poisonous hemlock.” Many of his scholars and friends offered him to live somewhere, but Socrates rejected all of them, and died drinking the poison. He died in circa 399 BCE in Classical Athens.

Plato- Plato was born circa 428 BCE in Classical Athens. He might have been named after his grandad. According to Editor of, "Both of his parents came from Greek aristocarcy. Plato's father, Ariston, descended from the kings of Athens and Messenia. His mother, Perictone is said to be related to the 6th century B.C.E. Greek statesman Solon.” This means that Plato had really powerful parents, because aristocracy in some societies, that is the highest rank in the social class. Plato was taught by the finest teachers that were in Athens at that time. Plato then became a writer, then after being taught by Socrates, he became both philosopher and writer. According to the Editors of, “His writings explored justice, beauty and equality, and also contained discussions in aesthetics, political philosophy, theology, cosmology, epistemology and the philosophy of language.” He then taught a famous philosopher named Aristotle. He founded the Academy in Athens the first institution of the Western World of the Greece. His philosophy were only known because his scholars recorded them. Plato then died in circa 348 BCE in his own hometown.

Aristotle- Aristotle was born in circa 384 BCE in the city of Stagira. There was little information about his parents. According to Editors of, “Aristotle's father, Nicomachus, was court physician to the Macedonian king Amyntas II. Although Nicomachus died when Aristotle was just a young boy, Aristotle remained closely affiliated with and influenced by the Macedonian court for the rest of his life. Little is known about his mother, Phaestis; she is also believed to have died when Aristotle was young.” This meant that his father was more famous in the public while his mother was unknown to a lot of people, Soon he went to Athens and found a school there where he spent the rest of his learnings there. In 338 BCE he was tutoring and King Philip II’s son, and Alexander the Great, and they both suggested that the Macedonian compensated his work.  After Plato and Socrates taught him philosophy, he became a philosopher.  Plato died in 348 BCE because Aristotle had disagreed with of Plato’s philosophical treaties. Aristotle married to a lady named Pythias in Mysia after Plato’s friends invited him to the court there (this was after Plato died). When Alexander the Great died and the government was overthrown, Aristotle was charged for his association with his former students and the Macedonian Court. To avoid being killed Aristotle fled to Chalcis on the island of Euboea and died the following year in 322 BCE because Stomach disease.

Pythagoras- Pythagoras was born in 570 BCE in Samos, an island that is part of Greece. He said that he lived through four lives, and some said that he can travel through space and time and can talk to plants and animals. According to James, “Pythagoras may have had a condition known as synesthesia. A person with the condition is said to be able to hear colours and see music, or associate smells with people's names.” This meant that he was really powerful and wise because he lived four lives, talked to plants and animals, can see music, and do many things that is undoable by humans. He had believed that science and religion relate to each other. He formed the Pythagorean theorem, which is a hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the 2 sides taught that number was the essence of all things that taught transmigration. He had believed that the human soul returned to humans, animals, and even plants. He also thought that the Earth was round. He was known to have made a cup, that when the user drinks from it normally, it works fine, but if the user drinks it too quickly the water will spill out. According to James, “The philosopher Plato was influenced by Pythagoras, and thought that mathematics affected philosophy.” This meant that Plato influenced Pythagoras in his philosophy thinkings. He died in 495 BCE in Greece.

Sophists- Sophists were made out of many people, some are Orators, and others are public speakers. They were respected, hated and even feared, maybe by its power that it has contained. They don’t really believed in Greek Mythology. The group used defenses to protect one another from lawsuits, that came from a better speaker. According to Web Surfer, “The Sophists were very good speakers.  Indeed, they had reputations for being able to convince a crowd that up was down, that day was night, that the wrong answer could be the right answer, that good was bad and bad is good, even that injustice is justice and justice would be made to appear as injustice!” This meant that they think that the opposite is the outcome of something then. A really famous philosopher, named Socrates was so good in debating that he had debated with the Sophists and do it really well. The Sophists had gave Socrates some ideas that influenced the Western World and Plato, another famous philosopher.

I had learned that becoming a philosopher can be tough, especially like Socrates was sentenced to death. Being a philosopher can also influence the world today, like the Pythagorean Theorem, which was created by Pythagoras, is used today in math. Also becoming a famous philosopher, you need to be very powerful, like the Sophists, which some even feared them, and that they even protected each other from lawsuits. Furthermore, a philosopher must be really smart to create a philosophy which many would believe in. Still, becoming a philosopher is hard.
