Story of my Fractured Arm

                                            On 1/24/2017 I fractured my arm.

  Another normal day at school after the rain, and at recess, I was walking, when I slipped on the slippery artificial grasses, that the school had installed. I landed hard on my right arm, near the elbow. I used my left hand and I carried my right hand to the benches, resting it, hoping it feels better later, but that didn't help. When the bell rang, and we were all in class, I told my teacher that I have to go to the nurse. My teacher told one of classmate to go with me, and so I told him what had happened. When I got to the nurse, the front desk lady (nurse and nurse assistance wasn't there) gave me an ice pack and I sat down. After a few minutes, I asked the lady if I could lie down, and she said that I could, and so I went to lie down. After an hour or so the nurse assistance finally came back, and she saw me and I told her that I was OK, but I actually wasn't. But, she outsmarted me, and she said to do a test with my right hand, and I told her that I could, but it will hurt a lot. So she called my parents. About twenty minutes, my parents came, and the nurse assistance said that I might have fractured my arm, because I wasn't complaining that much, like other people. 

  So my parents took me directly to the hospital, the Emergency Room/Department. There I waited and finally I was placed in Room 9. When a nurse and a doctor came, I told them what had happened, and the doctor felt my arm, and said that I might have fractured it, maybe need surgery, but first I needed X-ray scan. They left, and we were in peace and quiet. Finally another doctor named Alexander Hu. He asked me some questions, and I answered his questions. Before he was done a nurse came and took me to the X-ray waiting room. A few minutes passed, and I was in the X-ray area. The nurse told me to place my right arm in three different ways which almost killed my arm. Finally I was in Room 9 again, when Dr. Hu said that he would talk to the other person about the X-ray scans that I took, and said that I needed another one. After a few minutes, another nurse took me to the X-ray waiting room. Few minutes passed again, and I was painfully holding my arm position, as the X-ray scans were being taken. Then we were back in that same room. After one (maybe) the doctor told me that I only fractured my arm, and I don't need surgery, but I moved my big bone a bit, and that I only need a cast. 

  Another doctor came, and he asked me who I want to be, and I told him that I want to be an entomologist, and to my surprise, he knew what it meant (a lot of my teachers don't know that word). He said that he loved bugs and used to see them while in the East Coast. He asked me what insects I caught, and I told him praying mantis, and ladybugs. After that he wrapped my arm up, and put a Ortho-Glass on my arm, which harden later on. And when the whole cast thing was done, he said that he needs another X-ray exam. So about two-three hours passed when my dad left (he has work) and I finally about 45 minutes after my dad left I was waiting in the X-ray room. About thirty minutes passed, I was done and the doctor said that I have to come back in a week, and in another hour we waited for my dad (he said he would pick us up). Well actually my mom wanted to ride UBER home or call her friend to take us home. When we were waiting, my mom let me use her iPad. I tried to play SimCity, but it said that there's no Internet, so I played RealFlight. I crashed my plane and quadcopter many times and I actually landed my quadcopter on a bench once. Then I got bored and tried to sleep. When a few hours, my dad came, and we got on the car, and just before we left the hospital, I threw up. My mom came off the car and clean the mess. I knew that this day wouldn't be a good day for me. I had appointments on January 31, February 7, February 23, and on March 14.

Several weeks later my doctor's assistance told me that I had fractured my radius neck, also collapsed it. She showed me X-rays that I had took the past few weeks, and she told me that the bone is fixing itself back (hope that is useful information). I was surprised, I thought that I had fractured my radius in the bone area. This was the story of my fractured arm.

(January 31, I got a green cast; February 7, my cast was taken off;  February 23, I got no sling, and on March 14, I could go back to full exercise.)


  1. My arm was in pain so much that I actually thought that I need surgery.


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