
Yes Literature!! Here is what you've got to spread your stories and ideas to the WORLD!!   Here you have the most famous William Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes, and Niccolo Machiavelli!!

William Shakespeare is known to be the greatest dramatist of all times!! Although his works are popular around the globe, his personal life isn't really known. He was probably born in 1564 and died in 1616. His plays captures the human emotions and conflicts. He wrote plays for about twenty years of his life, and for more than four hundred years, his plays have been in cities, towns, villages, his plays were very popular! His plays were based on the following genres: histories, tragedies, comedies, and tragicomedies.

Next up, Miguel de Cervantes! Born in 1547, Miguel first started in 1569, but later was in the army, and captured and released from Turks, and soon published his first novel La Galatea, but was not very successful in doing so. However, Don Quixote, another novel that he wrote was the most successful. It was even translated into 60 different languages. After Don Quixote, he wrote The Labors of Persiles and Sigismunda, where he wrote to his death in 1616.

Now we present, Niccolo Machiavelli! Born on May 3, 1649, Niccolo was part of the leadership with the wealthy leader (bankers) of Florence and saw many points about leaders, as they came in and left. Niccolo was soon kicked out of the political class, and wrote The Prince. The Prince explains how a ruler should rule and do all they can to keep their power. He used Cesare Borgia, who was the prince of the Papal States, and he tricked and got many of enemies lured and assassinated. Niccolo had experienced this first handed and also wished that a strong ruler like Cesare could rule Florence and unite all the people.


"William Shakespeare Biography" A & E Television Networks. April 23, 2014. Accessed July 25, 2018.

"Miguel de Cervantes Biography" A & E Television Networks. April 2, 2014. Accessed July 31, 2018.

"Machiavelli -Facts & Summary" A & E Television Networks. Accessed July 31, 2018.
