The Renaissance (Art)

The very well known topic of the Renaissance is art!! Art in this time differed from the Middle Age. Instead of putting the main topic the largest, artists made the objects/subjects in the art more 3D like, also with the help of chiaroscuro, which is painting lighter in shades. New art was invented like Oil painting, Frescos (putting watercolor onto wet plaster), and Engravings (cutting the art into a hard surface--like wood).

Well, if there's art, then there must be artists to create them! We've got Sandro Botticelli, Leonardo Da Vinci, Raphael, Albrecht Durer, Jan van Eyck, and lastly Michelangelo (there are way more-but these are the more well-known ones). (Scroll down to see more!)

Image result for sandro botticelli map of hellFirst of all Sandro Botticelli. Born in Early Renaissance in Italy (March 1 1445--May 17, 1510). His famous works included in Birth of Venus, The Abyss of Hell, and the Calumny of Apelles. His method of art is very detailed, with the fact that it is realistic, and that Botticelli can express emotions through his subjects in the painting, either by their standing position, or the way their faces looked to the main character.

Image result for The Last SupperNext up, the well-known Leonardo da Vinci who painted the Mona Lisa!! Da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in Venice, Italy. He was a very talented painter even when was a young boy. In fact at the age of 15, he painted art works with Andrea del Verrocchio in Florence. Leonardo uses frescos. Frescos is a way of making art, basically putting watercolor on wet plaster (but you need to do it fast!!). One of his famous works, The Last Supper, was painted using the fresco method.

Image result for School Of AthensThirdly, we've got Raphael. Raphael was born on 1483 in Urbino, Italy. Best known for his Madonnas, Raphael also used frescos for his paintings. Maybe his best known works is the School OF Athens, painted using the fresco method. This painting shows accuracy of the school, and is really realistic and beautiful as of the school at the time.
Image result for four horsemen of the apocalypse by DUrer

Here comes Albrecht Durer! Born on May 21, 1471, in Nuremberg, Germany. He is well known for his engravings. Engravings are art carved onto hard materials like wood, or metal. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse was Durer best engraving, he had made in his art career. His other engravings includes Adam and Eve, Madonna by the Tree, and Bearing of the Cross.

Image result for AlforniniCalling Jan van Eyck!! There is no exact date of birth discovered, but many say that he was born in 1395. Jan's style of art is Oil Painting. Oil painting is colors made from oils like sunflower, olive, or other types of oils depending on the pigments of the colors. His famous oil painting works includes: Arnolfini Portrait, Ghent Altarpiece, and Saint Jerome in His Study.

Image result for Sistine Chapel
Last, but not least, Michelangelo!! You hear in movies (especially Disney), where they talk about the Sistine Chapel? Yea, the Sistine Chapel, the painting on the church was done by Michelangelo, actually and his hired hands, but soon fired them off, one by one, meaning that he painted most of the pictures on the chapel by himself. The art method here is fresco, which many famous painters above uses for their art. Michelangelo doesn't have a lot of paintings, but he does have a lot of statues...

So here are our selected Renaissance Artists!!

Works Cited
"Biography of Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)". Sandro Botticelli Net, Accessed: 5/9/2018

"Leonardo da Vinci: Short Biography". Leonardo da Vinci Inventions, Accessed: 5/14/2018

"Raphael Biography"., Accessed: May 16, 2018

"Biography of Jan van Eyck". Jan van Eyck, Accessed: May 18, 2018

"The Abyss of Hell" Anakdesa, "The Last Supper" Wikipedia, "School of Athens" Khan Academy, "The Four HorseMen of the Apocalypse" Fine Art America,  "Arnolfini Portrait" Wikipedia, "Sistine Chapel Ceiling" Simple Past Times.
