1943 Penny

                 Pennies might only worth one cent, but the 1943 pennies is like no other.

   Pennies are 1 cents in the UNITED STATES. They are about 5.149 inches (130.78 mm). The first penny was made in the early eighteens, with a "MIND YOUR Business" on it. In 1859, Lincoln went on the head of the penny, as the pennies before it, had an AMERICAN NATIVE face. In the 1909 wheat were being printed onto pennies, and with another design on the head, it had the face of Abraham Lincoln. After 1958, pennies were minted with the Lincoln memorial on the tail. And in 2009, pennies had many different designs first time in 50 years for a reverse on the tails of a penny, but, we are not going into that topic. Finally 2010 to present time, pennies were minted with the UNION SHIELD, but the face of Abraham Lincoln had not changed on the head of the pennies for about two centuries. During 1943, these pennies were very different, even though the pennies in 1944 went back to the same original. Also there are 1943 extremely rare pennies, worth of six digits!!

  Most pennies in 1943 were made out of steel and coated with zinc. Why were they designed like that, especially the next year, 1944, pennies were back to normal again, being made out of copper. The story all began in 1942, when the US Army needed copper for its weapons (WW II), and so the US Mint company had to find other materials to replace the copper. They had actually tried glass, cardboard, plastic and even rubber. They eventually found out that steel and zinc was the best idea to make the coins. They made the coins out of steel and covered the coins in zinc. More than 1,000 of these coins had been made, but still are rare, like a penny with the current year, when the year barely started. These steel-zinc coins are actually magnetic! I have one saying 1943 S, which the S means that it was made in San Francisco, California.

  Some of the pennies made in 1943 are extremely rare. These pennies were actually made in 1942, but because, they were left in the minting machines, the 1942 pennies were minted into 1943 pennies. The thing is that they are not magnetic since they were made in 1942, and they are copper, but be careful of fraud, because of the news of these pennies spread, people made fake versions of them. Here are some tips from Cions.TheFunTimesGuide to see if you have one of the rare 1943 pennies!

1. Doesn't stick to a magnet-if it does, it is not that rare.
2. Weighs more than 3 grams- 3.11 grams are the copper, if less, like 2.7, it is most likely to be a steel penny.
3. Has a weird minted 1943-the 3 is supposed to have a long tail, if the tail is like a normal 3, then it means that the minting machine's three was retooled most likely in late 1940's to 1950's.

Be sure that is you have any pennies like these, keep them, because they might be the only 'silver' penny you would ever have! And you might have the only 1943 pennies (in your community) that can't stick to a magnet, it can be sold for an amount of six digits!! If you have a non magnetic 1943 penny, then you are very lucky, because I don't have one!!
LEFT to right (both rows): 1943 penny, 1946, 1980, 2009, 2016

Here, the penny sticks on the magnet with ease, and can be able to take off easily, this wasn't balanced, nor glued

See how the 1943 penny is magnetic, see how it can
stick to the magnet easily (zoomed in)
The 1943 penny can stick on the very
edge of the magnet
(if it wasn't magnetic, then it would have fell off)
There are no pictures of the non-magnetic 1943 pennies, since I don't have one, and that I only use my own pictures

Bibliography: https://coins.thefuntimesguide.com/rare-1943-penny-worth/
